Having a clean bathroom is what everyone wants, but how do you make your bathroom look like new when it’s in use every day? Get rid of Bacteria with some simple steps!
Here are 10 handy tips on how to banish the bacteria in your bathroom! Don’t forget to spruce up your bathroom with some new lighting!
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Toothbrushes - Not only is it important for your mouth health, but germs can sit on your toothbrush for months. Change your toothbrush regularly to avoid bacteria accumulating.
Toothbrush holder - Just like your toothbrush, bacteria can congregate here quite quickly. Make sure to clean your toothbrush holder at least once a week with warm water and soap.
Grout - Clean with an old toothbrush dipped in vinegar or hot soapy water to make the grout gleam and the bathroom look fresher!
Loofahs - Loofahs are of course used to clean your skin, but over time, they too acquire dirt. Throw your loofah in the washing machine regularly to avoid it impacting the health of your skin.
Razors - When you leave a razor wet, the blade will soon become rusty. Make sure you wipe down the blade and leave the protective head on it. As well as this, it’s important to change the razor you use regularly.
Ventilation fan - Fans can gather with dust and dirt quite quickly, clean this regularly to avoid breathing in any of the dirt into your lungs.
Surfaces - Wipe down surfaces regularly with warm soapy water, this is important since surfaces are used frequently.
Flush with the lid down - Germs can be thrown about the place quickly, landing on your toothbrush, you and your clothes. Always flush with the lid down.
Let the shower water run - If you’ve not used the shower for a while, run the water without you standing under it, this will clean the showerhead!
Hand towels - Don’t share hand towels. This is the quickest way germs can spread from person to person in somewhere like the bathroom.
Now it’s time to get into the bathroom and get cleaning! Why stop there?! You could also renovate your kitchen whilst you’re at it!